Gay Colo. governor spoke at Democratic National Convention on Wednesday
“The 2022 mass shooting at Club Q is one of the most violent crimes against the LGBTQIA+ community in history” - FBI Director Wray
In a party-wide mass mailing the Colorado Republican Party is urging that all of the state's parents pull their children from public schools
Colorado's constitution states, “Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state”
Colorado Supreme Court greenlights signature collection for ballot initiative opponents believe would target LGBTQ+ students
“I wasn't calling it the start of the mass-shooter era then, but we knew we were into something new and horrible”
Advocacy groups filed complaint with federal officials on April 9
Gays Against Groomers has established itself as one of the most notable propagators of anti-trans rhetoric across the nation
“Denying service to someone simply because of who they are is illegal discrimination, plain and simple,” James said
According to the suit, CHCO has no similar ban when patients seek the same procedures for reasons other than treatment of gender dysphoria