The Washington Blade's editor Kevin Naff will present Kleinmahon with the award on October 1 in Philadelphia
Trevor declined to make senior leadership available for interviews for the story nor would sources speak with attribution for this story
Looking beyond Congress, Cicilline said he is eager to continue advancing “equality and justice for our community”
“We’ve been doing the Story Hour for six months,” said Shane Mayson, owner and operator of Crazy Aunt Hellen’s
Subjecting a person to conversion therapy will be unsuccessful and can create very serious mental health issues
As the results of the midterms are tallied, advocates turn to legislative priorities in Congress’s lame duck session
There was “staff dissatisfaction, particularly as it relates to the organization’s quick large-scale growth & the burden it put on employees"
Brittney Griner is now going to be sitting in a Russian slave labor camp for the next nine years after this appeal was denied
The student-led Virginia-based Pride Liberation Project organizing mass walkouts and rallies in more than 90 schools across the state
Anti-LGBTQ+ right-wing Twitter account cited incorrect claims by hospital employee about female to male trans surgery